mubi package

import ""



type Address

func (*Address) Film

func (*Address) Set

func (*Address) String

type Authenticate

func (*Authenticate) RequestHeader

func (Authenticate) RequestUrl

final slash is needed

func (*Authenticate) Unmarshal

func (Authenticate) UnwrapResponse

func (*Authenticate) Url

func (*Authenticate) Viewing

Mubi do this sneaky thing. you cannot download a video unless you have told the API that you are watching it. so you have to call `/v3/films/%v/viewing`, otherwise it wont let you get the MPD. if you have already viewed the video on the website that counts, but if you only use the tool it will error

func (Authenticate) WrapRequest

type FilmResponse

type LinkCode

func (*LinkCode) Authenticate

func (*LinkCode) New

func (*LinkCode) String

func (*LinkCode) Unmarshal

type Namer

func (Namer) Episode

func (Namer) Season

func (Namer) Show

func (*Namer) Title

func (*Namer) Year

type SecureUrl

func (*SecureUrl) Unmarshal

type TextTrack

func (*TextTrack) String

Source Files

auth.go code.go mubi.go secure.go